Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Chimney removal

As stated in an earlier post, one of the chimney's had to be removed. This left us with a few holes to patch. The chimney was going to be removed anyway to make way for stairs, we just didn't expect to have to do it this early in the renovation. The wall was taken down and put back up using recycled hardwood to tie back into the existing wall. Yellow tongue flooring was used as this area is going to be under the stairs and tied in perfectly to the grove in the baltic flooring.

Restumping done

Well the old girl saw the chiropractor today and had her joints (or should that be joists) aligned. He did a fantastic job and we are very happy with it. The floor structure was in really good condition but the same cant be said for the red gum stumps, allot of which weren't even touching the ground. We have replaced them all with concrete.

The calculations for the concrete footings went a little wrong and instead of 4 inch footings we have 12 inch footings. She is as steady as a rock. The chimney in the kitchen had to be removed though as one of the bearers went straight through the middle of it and when lifted cracked the base. We were told to have it down by the time they returned on Monday. Oh did I mention that he told us this on Friday night !! Well it came down and he was very happy with how quick we were. Now all we are left with is a massive hole in the floor and ceiling. Now we only have one more chimney to go!

The fun stuff can start inside now with alot of plastering and floor boards to look after.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

What were they thinking

I have no idea what some people are thinking when they put in shag pile carpet, hideous wall paper and caravan tables in kitchens.

On the weekend we took to the house and removed alot of the carpet and nearly all of the old cupboards and took down the back fence. We also removed giant roses from the front of the house so the restumpers could get to the bay windows. We also had to remove some of the boards along the bottom so they could remove the stumps. We are happy to see that the weatherboards underneath are in perfect condition. The same cannot be said for the rough cast which has been removed to put on the aluminium cladding.